Having a Positive Caesarean Birth

Birthing your baby by planned caesarean? Want to have a positive birth experience that feels empowering?

Consider these suggestions and implement those that feel beneficial for you.

Preparing for Your Caesarean Birth with Hypnobirthing Techniques


  1. Firstly, write and use some affirmations specifically for caesarean, to help relax and relieve fear.

  2. Listen to the track on your album for caesarean birth every day if possible.

  3. Practice the breathing techniques alone and with your partner - these will be invaluable in the morning before birth and in theatre

  4. Listen to the 'safe place' track on the album - this is very useful in theatre also to take you away if you feel overwhelmed or nervous

  5. Think about the hour after birth in recovery - what would you like it to be like? This can make a real difference to how you experience the birth

  6. Make a caesarean birth plan even if it's quite short with just a few key points like below, you can find some longer examples here. Consider the following


Caesarean Birth Plan Choices

  • Music in theatre.

  • Write a short letter to the team who is providing your care that is read out by the anaesthetist at the beginning to set the mood/ tone.

  • Turn the gown so it opens at the front after the spinal is cited.

  • Cannula in my non-dominant arm/hand.

  • Sticky pads on my back, not chest so they don’t stick into the baby during skin to skin.

  • Birth partner to keep me calm with slow breathing, lavender on a tissue, relaxing touch.

  • Screen lowered/ not lowered as the baby is born.

  • Delayed cord clamping of 1 minute.

  • Skin to skin in theatre with myself/ partner.

  • We would prefer to delay the first checks on the baby until we have had 1-2 hours of skin to skin.


Recovery after Caesarean Birth

  1. You can begin your scar massage two weeks after the birth when the scab has fallen off, here is an excellent video about healing after caesarean birth.

  2. Read this blog which has lots of information about planning for an easier recovery.


Warmest wishes to you all, Nissa xx


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